+64 (4) 913 1805
10 Dunlop Terrace, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand
Local taxi services available. Taxis and shuttles leave directly from outside the terminal. Approx. cost is $25-$35 for a Taxi and $16 for 1 person in Shuttle ($5 for each person thereafter).
Operates from the Airport to Upper Hutt approx every half hour. The nearest bus stop to us is Manners Street / Cuba Street.
Secure on-site car parking is available at the hotel, subject to availability. Access to our hotel car park is via Dunlop Terrace (off Vivian Street) on a first-come, first-served basis. Reserved parking is not allowed.
Overnight car parking costs $35. When you arrive at the hotel, please park in the clearly marked 10 minute temporary hotel parking on Dunlop Terrace and come into reception to receive your key card to access the car park.
Paid street car parking is also available outside the hotel on both Dunlop Terrace and on Cuba Street – subject to time limits in accordance with Wellington City Council guidelines.
10 Dunlop Terrace, Wellington,
New Zealand 6011
Phone Enquiries: +64 (4) 913 1805
General Enquiries: [email protected]
Reservation Enquiries: [email protected]